Develop, Dream, Leadership, Leadership Gold, PRIZE Roger Fairhead Develop, Dream, Leadership, Leadership Gold, PRIZE Roger Fairhead

Life Sentence

Steve decided that he wanted to redecorate his lounge, and wondered how many rolls of wallpaper he would need. He asked his neighbour Andy how many rolls he had bought. Andy said he bought 5 rolls of wallpaper, so Steve purchased 5 rolls too. When he had finished redecorating he found that had a roll left over entirely untouched ...

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Deliver, Influence, Leadership, Leadership Gold, PRIZE Roger Fairhead Deliver, Influence, Leadership, Leadership Gold, PRIZE Roger Fairhead

Tough Times and Turning Points

This turn of events also brought me to the start of a journey into a new season in my life and career. A transition from majoring on sales for other people and minoring on and training, to the new season where I am majoring on speaking, coaching and training and only engaging in sales for the newly formed “Leadership for Business”.

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Deliver, Implement, Leadership, Leadership Gold, PRIZE Roger Fairhead Deliver, Implement, Leadership, Leadership Gold, PRIZE Roger Fairhead

Time, and Life the Universe and Everything

We could consider each day to be like a fresh new cheque (or a new check in US currency) in a chequebook, and we can choose the value to write on that cheque. We can choose to have a lazy day and write a value of £10 for the day, or we can choose to have a really productive day and write £1,000 for the day.

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Mind the gap

In leadership terms, it’s important to know where you’re going to, to define where you want to end up. Sometimes this is really quite obvious. When Kennedy stated “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade” on September 12 1962 it was really quite obvious where there was, and where here was. There was the moon, and here was the earth.If we don’t know where we are, we’ll not be able to chart the course to where we want to get to ...

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Dream, Leadership, Leadership Gold, PRIZE Roger Fairhead Dream, Leadership, Leadership Gold, PRIZE Roger Fairhead

What can I be best in the world at?

Having spent many enjoyable years engaged as a sales engineer and sales manager, it didn’t ever give me the rewards that I found from leading a training session where people learned something new and put that into practice. For a season I was both sales manager and training manager for a particular high ticket online secure database product, and I discovered that it was actually so much more rewarding to deliver the training to a new client than to make the sale!

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