How to Stop Micromanaging Your Team – Part 1
Influence Roger Fairhead Influence Roger Fairhead

How to Stop Micromanaging Your Team – Part 1

When I joined a new company, I was introduced to the senior manager of the department during the first few days of the onboarding process. One of the things I learned from him was: “Once you’ve learned how I like to work, then you’ll settle in well.”

What he was saying was: “This is how I like to work and how I like to do things. Learn to be like me, and you’ll fit in well.”

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Creating a Collaborative Culture: How Leaders Can Build a Stronger, More Connected Team
Influence, Interact, Implement Roger Fairhead Influence, Interact, Implement Roger Fairhead

Creating a Collaborative Culture: How Leaders Can Build a Stronger, More Connected Team

In my consulting work, I’ve seen firsthand how people are becoming increasingly intolerant of companies without a collaborative culture.

The problem is, an organisation’s culture is often invisible but deeply impactful.

So, let’s take a closer look at corporate culture and explore how we as leaders can shape it to create stronger, more connected teams.

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Collaborative Culture
Company Culture, Influence, Interact, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead Company Culture, Influence, Interact, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead

Collaborative Culture

I first noticed corporate culture when I moved to my second employer. I didn't know that work environments could be so different! I had been with my first employer - a multinational manufacturing company - for 10 years, and so until I moved to a new company I had no understanding of "Company Culture" at all.

All I knew was what I had experienced. We were a "no-frills" company, and a part of the culture was to make sure that you held on to the best office furniture that you could accumulate as people moved on through.

If someone got a promotion, moved to a different department, or handed in their notice, the rest of the team would be on the lookout for a furniture upgrade - perhaps a more comfortable chair or a newer filing cabinet.

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Deliver, Influence, Interact, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead Deliver, Influence, Interact, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead

Stuck in the storm

There is a storm going on right now for many businesses in the midst of this pandemic, where uncertainty is causing staff to dwell in the storm for far longer than they need to. If the team can’t see a way forward with certainty, and the what-if discussion goes round in circles, then the team can find itself languishing in the storm from where others have already emerged.

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Making decisions in the dim light of incomplete information

When I came back to the bike sheds to cycle home at the end of the day, of course, it had gone. My bike had gone. Forever. And I didn’t get a replacement for several years; my parents decided it would teach me a valuable lesson, and it did!

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Deliver, Influence, Leadership, Leadership Gold, PRIZE Roger Fairhead Deliver, Influence, Leadership, Leadership Gold, PRIZE Roger Fairhead

Tough Times and Turning Points

This turn of events also brought me to the start of a journey into a new season in my life and career. A transition from majoring on sales for other people and minoring on and training, to the new season where I am majoring on speaking, coaching and training and only engaging in sales for the newly formed “Leadership for Business”.

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