Creating a Collaborative Culture: How Leaders Can Build a Stronger, More Connected Team
Influence, Interact, Implement Roger Fairhead Influence, Interact, Implement Roger Fairhead

Creating a Collaborative Culture: How Leaders Can Build a Stronger, More Connected Team

In my consulting work, I’ve seen firsthand how people are becoming increasingly intolerant of companies without a collaborative culture.

The problem is, an organisation’s culture is often invisible but deeply impactful.

So, let’s take a closer look at corporate culture and explore how we as leaders can shape it to create stronger, more connected teams.

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Making decisions in the dim light of incomplete information

When I came back to the bike sheds to cycle home at the end of the day, of course, it had gone. My bike had gone. Forever. And I didn’t get a replacement for several years; my parents decided it would teach me a valuable lesson, and it did!

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Deliver, Implement, Leadership, Leadership Gold, PRIZE Roger Fairhead Deliver, Implement, Leadership, Leadership Gold, PRIZE Roger Fairhead

Time, and Life the Universe and Everything

We could consider each day to be like a fresh new cheque (or a new check in US currency) in a chequebook, and we can choose the value to write on that cheque. We can choose to have a lazy day and write a value of £10 for the day, or we can choose to have a really productive day and write £1,000 for the day.

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Mind the gap

In leadership terms, it’s important to know where you’re going to, to define where you want to end up. Sometimes this is really quite obvious. When Kennedy stated “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade” on September 12 1962 it was really quite obvious where there was, and where here was. There was the moon, and here was the earth.If we don’t know where we are, we’ll not be able to chart the course to where we want to get to ...

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