Deliver, Influence, Interact, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead Deliver, Influence, Interact, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead

Stuck in the storm

There is a storm going on right now for many businesses in the midst of this pandemic, where uncertainty is causing staff to dwell in the storm for far longer than they need to. If the team can’t see a way forward with certainty, and the what-if discussion goes round in circles, then the team can find itself languishing in the storm from where others have already emerged.

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Deliver, Dream, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead Deliver, Dream, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead

The journey out of COVID

Be authentic. We can’t know everything about a future that has so much uncertainty. We’ll need to make decisions, and we’ll inevitably get some wrong. People will expect that, and people will see that, so don’t try to hide it or spin it so that it looks right. Own your good decisions and own your bad decisions, and you’ll earn people’s respect. After all, people would rather follow a leader who is always authentic, than one who is never wrong.

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Dream, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead Dream, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead

Find your phoenix

Perhaps it seems like our intended mission has been aborted and that we are facing the worst disaster we’ve ever experienced. However, maybe, now is also the time for our finest hour, if we can find a way out of this season and rise, renewed, like a phoenix from the remains left from the embers of our predecessor.

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Making decisions in the dim light of incomplete information

When I came back to the bike sheds to cycle home at the end of the day, of course, it had gone. My bike had gone. Forever. And I didn’t get a replacement for several years; my parents decided it would teach me a valuable lesson, and it did!

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Develop, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead Develop, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead

Do we need faster horses?

When I was working on a PC I would scan the keyboard for letters that I know I used to be able to find easily. The M key had disappeared, or rather it had moved! It wasn’t until I noticed that the keys at the top of the keyboard no longer spelled out “QWERTY” that I discovered the reason.

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PRIZE Leadership Quotient

Leadership is the art of making decisions in the dim light of incomplete information, and leadership is measured with the illumination of hindsight.If we want to be sure to be as well equipped as possible when the time comes for those dimly lit decisions to be made, then we need to make sure that our leadership skills are as developed as possible in preparation, and the PLQ provides a helpful benchmark against which we can assess our progress.If we can measure it, then we stand a chance of being able to deliver it.

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Dream, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead Dream, Leadership, PRIZE Roger Fairhead

What will my story be

Five years from now we’ll look back on this season as one where the adoption of online communications took off, where working from home and not travelling to work became mainstream and a preferred option for many, and where travelling for business meetings became a thing of the past. We’ll discover that we don’t have to do it as we always did!When we get there and take a look back with some personal stories to tell, what will my story be?  I can start writing that history today.

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