The dawning of a New Year

Beware: this can seriously alter the direction of your life. 

As the new year gets underway, many people set goals for the year ahead. While goals can be a great way to focus your efforts and create a roadmap for personal and professional growth, there is another way to approach setting targets for the new year - focusing on outcomes rather than goals.

In my last blog (see here), I looked at identifying your six roles, or hats, and then selecting your top 6 outcomes for 2023. So, next, we need to understand how to make these outcomes a reality and avoid seeing them go the way of the ubiquitous New Year Resolutions that all seem to have failed by week 3.

Goals or Outcomes?

So, what is the difference between goals and outcomes? Goals are specific targets that you aim to achieve, such as "lose 20 pounds" or "earn a promotion at work." Outcomes, on the other hand, are the results or impacts you hope to see as a result of your efforts. For example, an outcome of losing 20 pounds might be improved health and increased energy.

One of the benefits of focusing on outcomes is that it allows you to be more flexible in your approach to achieving your targets. Rather than being tied to specific actions or behaviours, you can adjust your strategy as needed to achieve the desired results. This can be particularly useful when faced with unexpected challenges or setbacks.

Another advantage of focusing on outcomes is that it allows you to think more broadly about the impact of your efforts. Rather than simply achieving a specific goal, you can consider the broader consequences of your actions and how they will contribute to your overall well-being and happiness.

So, consider setting outcomes rather than goals as you think about what you want to accomplish in the new year. By focusing on the results you hope to achieve, you can be more adaptable and considerate in your approach to attaining your targets.

Your six PRIZEs for 2023

So, the next step is to define the outcomes you identified in my earlier blog. In the PRIZE Winning Leadership model, these outcomes are the PRIZEs you want to win. I use a framework called a Next Exciting Win (NEW) to achieve them.

Each NEW takes you closer to achieving your PRIZE. The NEW framework has four steps for defining how to win each PRIZE, as shown below:

Do something NEW to win your PRIZE

  • Step 1 is to Define it CLEARLY (Why it is both Exciting & Rewarding)

This involves defining this PRIZE in terms of what is Exciting about your PRIZE, that is, something that appeals to your emotions, as well as identifying why it is Rewarding, that is, something that is measurable and appeals to your logical faculties - what will it look like, and how will you recognise it?

  • Step 2 is to Plan it CAREFULLY (Be a thermostat, not a thermometer)

Create a plan: Once you have clearly defined your PRIZEs, create a plan for how you will achieve each one; what will you DO? Break your PRIZEs down into smaller, more manageable steps if you need to, and schedule them into your calendar.

  • Step 3 is to Show it CONSPICUOUSLY (KNOW / SHOW that you’re winning)

Recognising and celebrating your achievements and successes with a small group of supportive friends or family is essential. If that's not possible, then take time to reflect on and celebrate your victories privately. Your primary focus needs to be on recognising your personal growth and progress towards each PRIZE.

  • Step 4 is to Revisit it CONTINUALLY (Accountability)

It is important to continually revisit your PRIZEs to stay on track and ensure that you are progressing towards achieving them. This process of reviewing and assessing your progress is known as accountability. Here are a few tips for staying accountable to your PRIZEs:

  1. Create a system for tracking your progress: Use a planner, spreadsheet, or another tool to track your progress and measure your success.

  2. Set regular checkpoints: Schedule regular checkpoints throughout the year to assess your progress and make necessary adjustments to your plan.

  3. Get support: Share your goals with a supportive friend, family member, or accountability partner and ask them to help you stay on track.

  4. Be flexible: Be willing to make adjustments to your plan as needed. It's okay if things don't go exactly as you had hoped - the important thing is to keep moving forward.

By revisiting your PRIZEs continually and staying accountable to them, you can ensure that you are making progress and working towards the things that matter most to you.


Creating a Collaborative Culture: How Leaders Can Build a Stronger, More Connected Team


The dawning of a new era